About 6dckod

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So far 6dckod has created 5 blog entries.

Functional Harmony for Tango Dancers

Lecture June 10, Philadelphia Argentine Tango School.

El Bujo Curioso – Musical Layers – X-Ray Vision

Here's the "archival" video of the zoom lecture on Musical Layers. Enjoy!

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Melodic Archetypes – El Bujo April 19

Here's the "archival" video of the zoom lecture on Melodic Archetypes. Enjoy!

The Big 4 – Tango Orchestras are not all created Equal!

Content!!!!!!  Hooray! I was asked to give a talk on this theme at the San Francisco Tango Marathon last fall.  The talk was filmed and after a very long post-production process is now available online.  Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Yp25jr4b6sw

Musicality Quiz Promo Video

A little teaser/taste of things to come.....